Even in Hawai'i my skin is dryer in the Winter time. I need more hydration and lots of lip moisturizing. I love our lotion mists as they are a quick and easy way to hydrate after shower or at your desk! You can splash some on your arms and legs, face and hair. It is so refreshing and hydrating AND makes a great leave on hair conditioner!
I always have one of our lip balms handy in the car, in my purse, and on my bathroom sink.
I think we have the most moisturizing, long lasting lip moisturizers on the market.
As for the call to anti-bacterialize! Ha! Calling all santized hands! Talk about drying! All those anti-bacterial soaps and gels are killer on the skin. I cannot emphasize enough the counter effects of a great body butter. Right after washing my hands,which I seem to do a million times a day, I grab one of our 2 oz body butters and slather on some moisture. Ahhh...!
You can carry these in your purse easily.